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Shaofeng Zhang

I am a third-year Ph.D student at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai. I am supervised by Professor Junchi Yan and Xiaokang Yang. I mainly work on self-supervised learning, diffusion, and graph neural networks, etc. Before that, I did my bachelor at University of Electronic and Science and Technology of China.

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  • 01/2024, One paper accepted to ICLR 2024.
  • 04/2023, One paper accepted to ICML 2023.
  • 01/2023, Two papers accepted to ICLR 2023.
  • 07/2022, One paper accepted to ECCV 2022.
  • 05/2022, One paper accepted to SIGKDD 2022.
  • Research

    Conference Papers:

    1. Continuous-Multiple Image Outpainting in One-Step via Positional Query and A Diffusion-based Approach
      Shaofeng Zhang, Jinfa Huang, Qiang Zhou, Zhibin Wang, Fan Wang, Jiebo Luo, Junchi Yan
      ICLR 2024 | Paper | Code

    2. Patch-level Contrastive Learning via Positional Query for Visual Pre-training
      Shaofeng Zhang, Qiang Zhou, Zhibin Wang, Fan Wang, Junchi Yan
      ICML 2023 | Paper | Code

    3. Patch-Level Contrasting without Patch Correspondence for Accurate and Dense Contrastive Representation Learning
      Shaofeng Zhang, Feng Zhu, Rui Zhao, Junchi Yan
      ICLR 2023 | Paper | Code

    4. Contextual Image Masking Modeling via Synergized Contrasting without View Augmentation for Faster and Better Visual Pretraining
      Shaofeng Zhang, Feng Zhu, Rui Zhao, Junchi Yan
      ICLR 2023 | Paper | Code

    5. Self-supervised Learning of Visual Graph Matching
      Chang Liu*, Shaofeng Zhang*, Junchi Yan, Xiaokang Yang
      ECCV 2022 (* equal contribution) | Paper | Code

    6. M-Mix: Generating Hard Negatives via Multi-sample Mixing for Contrastive Learning
      Shaofeng Zhang, Meng Liu, Junchi Yan, Hengrui Zhang, Lingxiao Huang, Pinyan Lu, Xiaokang Yang
      KDD 2022 | Paper | Code

    7. Align Representations with Base: A New Approach to Self-Supervised Learning
      Shaofeng Zhang, Lyn Qiu, Feng Zhu, Junchi Yan, Hengrui Zhang, Rui Zhao, Hongyang Li, Xiaokang Yang
      CVPR 2022 | Paper | Code

    8. Zero-CL: Instance and Feature decorrelation for negative-free symmetric contrastive learning
      Shaofeng Zhang, Feng Zhu, Junchi Yan, Rui Zhao, Xiaokang Yang
      ICLR 2022 | Paper | Code

    9. The Diversified Ensemble Neural Network
      Shaofeng Zhang, Meng Liu, Junchi Yan
      NeurIPS 2020 | Paper

    10. Fooled by Imagination: Adversarial Attack to Image Captioning Via Perturbation in Complex Domain
      Shaofeng Zhang*, Zheng Wang*, Xing Xu, Xiang Guan, Yang Yang
      ICME 2020 oral (* equal contribution) | Paper

    Working Experience

  • Research intern at Sensetime Research. (Jul. 2021 to Oct. 2022)
    Explore the representation learning and general self-supervised learning.
  • Research intern at Tencent. (Feb. 2021 to May. 2021)
    Worked on improving the generalization ability of unsupervised classification and detection.
  • Research intern at SmartMore. (Jul. 2020 to Sep. 2020)
    Worked on general represetantion learning.
  • Research intern at Microsoft Research. (Jan. 2020 to Jul. 2020)
    Contributed to the AI education book, github project and video.
  • Services

  • PC member/Reviewer: CVPR, ECCV, ICCV, NeurIPS, ICLR, ICML.